
General rules

  1. How to behave in parks and reserves to preserve nature?
    Each park has its own rules, but there are some general principles. Of course, we expect our visitors not to litter, light fires in undesignated areas, enter the area with their vehicles, destroy plants and disturb wild animals. Before visiting the park, visit the website for the special features of this area. Reserves or protected areas in parks are closed to visitors. Here we protect what is particularly endangered - the unique flora, fauna, or highlights of inanimate nature. Instead, in national parks, in areas that are open to travelers, we are gradually arranging hiking trails, and we kindly invite you to use them.
  2. Where you can light a campfire?
    In the areas along the tourist trails, or on separate rest stops, park workers arrange places for lighting campfires. Find out about these places either on the routes description or ask park workers. We urge you to use either arranged places or portable devices for cooking on the go. Fire is a great danger to our flora and fauna. Also, remember that one cigarette butt thrown into the grass will not only contaminate this area for a long time but can kill more than a hundred animals. In addition, smoking gradually kills you, so not only stop throwing cigarette butts but stop smoking :)
  3. Where to go garbage?
    It would seem that any cultured person will never throw garbage where nature amazes with its beauty. But no, we must continue to remind - littering in nature is a sign of low levels of development and intelligence. Sure it's not about you! If there are no dumpsters along the trails, we are very much hoping that you will take your garbage with you. Just in case, take the garbage bags on a journey. It is even better to live on the principle of zero waste and produce as little waste as possible. A big plus in the karma of those who will do a great job and take away not only their garbage, but also those irresponsible travelers who were in these places to you and left nature their senseless "gifts".
  4. Where to put garbage?
    It would seem that any cultured person will never throw garbage where nature amazes us with its beauty. But at the same time, we must continue to remind everyone that littering in nature is a sign of low levels of development and intelligence. We are sure it's not about you! If there are no trash cans along the trails, we hope you will take your garbage with you. Just in case, bring garbage bags with you on the trip. It is even better to live on the zero waste principle and produce as little waste as possible. It will benefit your karma when you do a great job and take away not only your garbage but also the garbage of irresponsible travelers who were in these places before to you and left their senseless "gifts" to nature.
  5. Why is it forbidden to damage wildlife?
    Wild animals, although they are "wild", are very gentle and sensitive to human interference. Destroyed nests, burrows, excessive noise in the habitat and especially in the area of the mating of animals, can greatly frighten them and make them flee in search of quieter areas. It can also make migratory birds change the time-tested paths of travel from North to South. I doubt that we want to gain a reputation among animals as a country that is unfriendly to animals.